The Green Fields… Woken by the rooks cawing through heavy morning mist we could only be in England. Sturminster Marshall, one of many pretty Dorset villages. On this Saturday morning cyclists streamed by, horses too, and so many Range Rovers – clearly the conveyance of choice. Family. In Dorchester we dropped in on the aunt […]
The Cornish Wanderer
Cathedrals, pilgrims and miles, many miles.

Le Puy en Velay. Pilgrimage. To me it sounds like something from a different age. Yet here in Le Puy en Velay there’s a blessing every morning for those setting off on the 1000 mile walk to Santiago de Compostello. If it’s mostly off road I truly fancy the idea of the walk, although it […]
A van in Provence.

Verdon Gorge. Every choice has its consequences. On Saturday morning if we’d continued as planned to Digne I’m sure it would have been good. As it was we took a smaller road towards Moustiers and towards deep landscape joy. The actual Verdon Gorge needs walking. Nonetheless our road, the D952, was utterly spectacular. The gorge […]
Italy. All change.

Speed. Volume. Elegance. Style. Litter. Filth. Italy has it all, turned up to 11. There is no gentle transition from Greece to Italy. Everything changed. Changed immediately. Locotorondo. After the ferry we stopped a few miles north of Brindisi. A beach. A tip. Greek beaches often needed our attention, a bit of a clean up. […]
VanLife Greece. Our winter review.

After four fabulous months in Greece it’s time to start the long journey back to the UK for ArchieVan’s MOT. This is a summary of what we’ve learned, what we’ve experienced, and a few tips for anyone considering a similar trip. Why Greece for winter? During our Greek island holidays we envied the vans we […]
Greek hospitality, and mountains.

After the delights of Delphi we headed north, soon to swing west and towards Lefkada, but not quite yet. First we veered off the E65 for our overnight stay, up another mountain, on the edge of the village of Eleftherochoi. I took a stank up to another level, into deep snow, and remembered seeing a […]