Arriving on Lefkada. It has been nearly two months since we arrived on Lefkada. We first rattled over the metal bridge back in early November. The crazy floating bridge onto this beautiful island that was to become our temporary home. Things that challenge you at first often become commonplace. We were scared by the gradients. […]
The Cornish Wanderer
Lefkada. Christmas sunshine. Bring it on!

In the last episode you may recall we confessed to scrumping oranges, and loving them, whole and juiced. The fresh juice is delicious, utterly different to anything from a carton, and Minty wanted more. We’re a bit too conscientious to go on another raid and so we headed to Lefkas for the Saturday morning fruit […]
Itching to get back to the road.

New Year. New Goals. I like reading inspirational stuff. Who doesn’t? Because of the nature of much of my online reading I get lots of emails at this time of the year offering “Breakthrough ideas” that will help me achieve my goals for next year. Well, for years my goals were two fold. One: Run […]
Cafés and beaches. The heart of Greece.

Greek Café Culture. It’s a man thing. Every town has a selection of cafés. Most of them are surprisingly smart, as if they’d all had a makeover in the last ten years – perhaps just before the big crash. I posted last week’s missive from a smart café in Messalonghi, alongside the Onassis yacht Christina […]
To Messalonghi and a brush with an Onassis.

Mainland van adventure. We have to go to Lefkas town tomorrow, and the sun will be shining, so what better excuse do we need for the next van adventure? After all, we’ve been in the house for four nights, that’s ample. We don’t know where we’ll go yet, but it has to include a trip […]
Lefkada Skyline. A Greek Winter. Wk III

After the rains. Look at our photos you could be forgiven if you think that the sun shines eternal on Lefkada. It doesn’t. When it rains it’s a different heavenly experience, one of open skies. Water gushes down the street, every roof creates a waterfall, and the sea forgets all that aquamarine business and takes […]