We’re parked up on a bit of the yet to be developed waterside of Gdansk. In one direction there’re the pumping beats of a warehouse party. Polly and I poked down a few dodgy dark alleys, but couldn’t find the way to the excellent sound system that was trying so hard to lure us in. The […]
The Cornish Wanderer
A spin through Lithuania, including beautiful Vilnius.

I was robbed! At a weak moment I agreed to skip the 350km journey to Mark Rothko’s birthplace museum/gallery which would have been our last jaunt in Latvia. I’m no art aficionado. I can’t pretend to understand a lot of what I see. However Rothko’s work was the first abstract art that I loved with […]
Latvia. Riga and so much more.

Waking at Salaspils. After sleeping in the car park of the most eerie Salaspils Monument you’d think the day would have to get better. I wanted to wander around the monument after dark. Polly had other ideas and put the brakes on big time as I started walking her in the direction of the beating […]
Cēsis and Salaspils. Contrast beyond comfort.

To Latvia. First on foot. After a quick walk around the border town of Valga/Valka (depending on which side you’re on) we headed into Latvia proper. In Valga a decent walk may see you cross the border a few times. Yesterday it was 33+ degrees and with little shade, so we hopped over the border […]
Estonia. A Walk In The Woods.

That border crossing feeling hit us harder in Estonia. Tallinn was easy. It’s the capital. It’s busy. And we had the advantage of a lovely apartment to stay in. It wasn’t until we’d driven out of the city and started looking at overnight spots that a little nervousness set in. Waterfalls in flat countries. The […]
Tallinn – boom!

Arriving in Tallinn after the calm, safe, tranquillity of Scandinavia is like the start of a fireworks display on a previously quiet night. Suddenly there’s life all around, cars coming from every direction, people, heat, trams, buses, sirens, horns, screaming motorbikes, the old fashioned bells of trolley buses. Driving ArchieVan becomes demanding for the first […]