Symposium. Minty and I spent most of our working lives in marketing roles with banks, insurers and hotels. For us a symposium was something that cost you a fortune to attend and where you listened to over inflated egos quoting wildly exaggerated data regarding their latest fancy pants campaigns. To read the Greek definition of […]
The Cornish Wanderer
Corinth. Back on the road.

Waking in the shadow of the ancients. For New Year’s Day we woke in a municipal car park that could be anywhere – except that we know what’s over the hill. A mere 100 metres away lie the extensive ruins of ancient Corinth. Corinth was founded around 700BC and was a large city of 90,000 […]
When the wheels come off.

A short post from a long week. We took fewer photos this week than we usually take in a day. Normal service will resume in the New Year! What happened was… There can be no doubt that people with a plan get more done. But people with a plan are more likely to see the […]
The Pelion. And on, to Evia.

Makrinitsa. Last week we left you up a hill, we’d parked between Makrinitsa and Portaria. Both beautiful tourist trap villages around 700m above the city of Volos. Beautiful yes, but we were stressed. We’d had too many “manoeuvring ArchieVan in a space where a Smart car would be cramped” moments. In compensation. We’d had the […]
Dogs, cats, Sithonia and a roller.

Philogrobolised on Sarti Beach. Last week we made Sarti after searching for anything open that would fuel our Friday night. Sarti proved just the ticket. A small town with a great beach. And most importantly, a year round population. There were a few grills open, a pizza place, coffee shops, in fact more than we’ve […]

The Athos Peninsula. Much of Greece is interesting because of its past. The early democracies. The first organised European cities. Philosophers whose work we read still today. The semi-autonomous Orthodox state of Athos is fascinating, mysterious, alien, right now. The 335 square kilometre state is a time warp, and vast nature reserve. It’s home to […]