It’s grim up north – or so we’re told.
Living somewhere as beautiful as the far west can make it hard to motivate yourself to travel in Britain – but it’s worth the effort if you do.
Amanda’s from North Yorkshire.
We have had the good fortune to work from Edinburgh, York and Manchester.
And we often take the opportunity to go back.

This week we’ve had great walks in North Yorkshire – Fewston Reservoir, and Bolton Abbey and then a dip down to Manchester for AC to fly home for work.

Tonight will be my first try at camping in the wilds of the Lake District in the depths of winter. Polly and I are in Great Langdale, near the Old Dungeon Ghyll hotel and pub, and although it’s not yet 8pm we’ll soon be in bed. Thankfully the sub-zero temperatures of last week have lifted a little so we should survive.

We drove up from Manchester this afternoon and loved the uncommon experience of the Lake District’s roads with only a few cars. That’s a relief as the lanes get pretty narrow in these parts.
Heading off the tourist trail from Ambleside, we took to the smaller and smaller roads to Langdale, and on deeper into the fell.

This afternoon man and dog had a good but tough walk up to Stickle Tarn above the New Dungeon Ghyll Hotel, slipping back down the tough steps of the climb in failing light. Regular stops on the climb were rewarded with stunning views that came and went with the mist. At best we could see past Windermere, at worst we could see a few feet.

Having only eaten a couple of bits of fruit since an early breakfast my energy was running low and my legs were shaking on the descent. Polly has hardly moved since getting back to the van (and warmth) so I’m guessing it was quite hard for her too.

After a wholesome meal in the hikers’ bar and a couple of pleasingly light ales we’re grateful for Archie’s heater. I’ll run it a bit longer before rolling out my new Norwegian sleeping bag from Outwell – billed as the most comfortable you’re ever likely to try – here’s hoping!

I’d like to say a huge thank you to Lesley Harry at Newlyn Harbourside Physiotherapy who worked on my dodgy knee recently. Without her help I couldn’t have walked up a flight of stairs let alone some big hills.
Glad to hear the musings of my favourite Cornish wanderer even up north where the temperature is so low, the heater is put on…good for you!!